Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chicken and Vegetable Rice Bowl

I'm going to share with you one of my favorite things of all time.... Asian Food..
I honestly used to be (well I still kind of am) intimidated by making Asian food..
Am I the only one? I'm asking for a friend...

Here's what you'll need to make 1 rice bowl:
  • 1 Chicken Breast
  • Soyaki
  • 1 package of microwavable brown rice
  • Soy sauce
  • Fish sauce (optional)
  • Onion
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Mushroom
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and pepper
So here's what I do:
First, I marinade the chicken.
I use this awesome marinade called Soyaki - it's teriyaki and soy sauce.. I mean right? It already sounds delicious. As if teriyaki could get any better lets throw in some soy sauce..

I marinade a chicken breast in soyaki for as little as an hour but no longer than a day.

First I will microwave the brown rice - I ususally get the packs that cook in the microwave in about a minute and a half. I like to let it sit and dry out a little as it cools while I prepare everything else. Did you know that most Asian restuarants use day old rice to make their fried rice? I never have it that well together to make hardly anything a day ahead of time so this works just fine.

I cut up the broccoli, carrots and mushrooms into bite sized pieces, coat them in olive oil, salt and pepper and roast them in the oven at 375 degrees until tender - about 20 minutes.

Then I will get my chicken cooking, you can cook it in the oven or you can make it on the stove top.
I use the stove top but you have to be careful not to have the pan too, too hot or the sauce will burn.
I cook the chicken about 10-15 minutes depending on how thick the breast is, until it is fully cooked and not at all pink inside.

Meanwhile - while the chicken is cooking - I dice an onion (about 1/3 cup of onion) and saute it in olive oil for about 1-2 minutes. Then I add the brown rice I cooked prior (about a cup). You want your pan pretty hot for this so you get a nice consistancy in your fried rice. Then once the rice is done cooking - about 4-5 minutes - I add a little squirt of fish sauce (totally optional, if you don't like fish sauce just leave it out) and I add about 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce. It's easier to add less when cooking and add more soy sauce to your dish when you are done. 

Then I just assembal the dish - rice down on the bottom of the bowl. Chicken sliced and veggies on top! I sometimes like to put a little balsamic reduction ontop of my veggies, Yum!


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